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Lost in the library: What to read next?

Updated: Jun 27, 2019

Stuck wandering the stacks with nowhere to start? Maybe I can help...

If you have no idea where to start on your book me, I've been there. There are so many choices, so many different genres and it can be exhausting!

“The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter - often an unconscious, but still a truthful interpreter - in the eye.” - Charlotte Bronte

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has wandered the library for hours looking for the perfect book to read, only to walk out empty handed. For me, the best place to start - like with many other things in life - is with what you are really looking for.

Figure out what it is you really want in a book. This can mean starting with your favorite genre. Whether you like romance novels, science fiction, classic literature, young adult fiction, the sky is the limit!

Maybe you have a favorite author. Have you considered trying out their earlier works, seeing what you've missed from them? Maybe your next great read is not a new book, but it could be a new classic.

Let me leave you with this: maybe the real issue is that you're trying to find a book that you've already read. I can't blame you, when you get emotionally attached to a group of characters or a particular story line, it's hard to find a good book to compete with that. I've read many of my favorites more than once as well, trying to get back that first experience that I had.

But my advice to you? Don't judge a book by it's cover (excuse the cliche). Don't be afraid to try something new, to break out of your comfort zone. I've found many new favorites by forcing myself to try something that felt uncomfortable at first. And you know what, they turned out to be hidden gems. So don't be afraid of the unknown. Plow on, my friends. And not to plug my own book (sorry), but consider checking out The Big One by yours truly. It's not just something new, it's brand new, and I think you might enjoy it. ;)

Happy reading!

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